Meat Icons

I have been working on a long-term research project on issue-oriented hackathons. These are hackathons which take as their founding premise contemporary sociotechnical and sociocultural matters-of-concern. In December 2012 leading up to a field visit in New York City for Hack//Meat (a hackthon focused on the American meat industry organized by Food+Tech Connect), Carl DiSalvo and I were asked to contribute a guest post for the Food+Tech Connect blog. Rather than writing about the current conditions of industrialized agriculture—a topic that we have been researching for a number of years—we decided to produce six playful icons which explore the relationship between technological and agricultural processes and artifacts. These icons are purposely ambiguous with their intended use. The icons are inspired by the ways industrialized agriculture more often focuses on logistics and information processing problems than those of food itself.

The full post is here.